The story, so far...

Founded in 2019 by Lucy Trewhitt, Ibali’s mission is to embolden businesses throughout the combination of strategic thinking and storytelling. To create no-nonsense, intentional marketing strategies and campaigns that are considered and impactful. To ensure that every marketing action has a purpose. To craft, curate and tell stories that build real connection between the customer and brand.

Over the last 5 years Ibali has evolved, as businesses do, but our mission has been our constant. With Lucy’s background in the luxury goods & fashion industry as well as her YTT it’s no surprise that many (though not all) of our clients are within the wellness and luxury goods spaces, and Mindful Marketing was created to support the smaller and personal brands within those industries more effectively.

Stories have always been, and remain at the very heart of Ibali and the sharing of your business stories is a true passion and privilege.

A letter from Lucy

As a child I was obsessed with stories, reading them, writing them, devouring them. I would lie awake at night with a torch under the duvet reading just one more chapter. To this day once I start a book it consumes me, I struggle to put it down until it’s finished, forgoing food and sleep. Then once completed I go through the obligatory mourning period until I find the next story to read.

In marketing the power of a story is unrivalled. Compelling stories allow us to connect with a brand as customers or clients, to insert ourselves into their brand narratives, to build that relationship and deepen our understanding of a brand, and in some cases advocate for that brand so much that it can become a part of our identity.

At Ibali we combine compelling storytelling with intentional marketing strategies to craft truly beautiful brands. Whether you’re an SME, a personal brand or a startup, we want to tell your story.

Lucy x